Learning guide # 03
I participated in the forum called "Giving opinions about jobs" with my opinion about my work experience.
environmental care at work
1. How can you be environmentally friendly at work?
The issue of caring for the environment should be relevant for any company, as it makes responsible use of natural resources.
there are several ways to be respectful and take care of the environment from my work:
● make the most of daylight, we
do not turn on the lights unless it is necessary.
● We use water rationally, thus
avoiding waste.
● My mode of transportation as
well as that of many where I work is the bicycle.
● We separate the garbage and
organize it selectively, in order to reuse and recycle.
● We turn off equipment,
computers and printers after the end of my workday to save energy.
● We replace plastic and
cardboard cups with ceramic, porcelain or glass cups; this reduces pollution.
● participate in and organize
communication campaigns to keep personnel trained and promote good recycling
2. What kind of incentives could a green company offer to its employees?
employee should be committed to the environment from the beginning, although
sometimes this can be forgotten or ignored; there are certain incentives that
companies can offer their employees to help sustain the environment:
❖ of all the recycling that
takes place in the company during the month, sell it and take this money to an
employee savings fund.
❖ bonus for the use of
non-motorized transport.
❖ public transportation
❖ if the energy consumption level is lower than the already standardized energy level, movie tickets for people who have a birthday that month.
3. In what other ways could businesses involve their employees in environmental issues?
each type of company, what they do and what they are like, there are several
ways to involve your employees:
➔ Recycling programs with
several tips for employees to keep in mind inside and outside the company.
➔ Reduce printer usage,
implement recycled paper for photocopying, double-sided printing and digitize
all necessary documents within the company such as invoices.
➔ encourage working from home
if their work allows it, taking into account its great benefits for the
➔ display progress graphs and
implementation results to your employees in common areas; this leads to more
employee engagement.
➔ Create competitiveness in the
field of environmental care among departments of the same company.
➔ constant reminders to save water and energy, use and minimize waste; through signs in rest rooms, restrooms and cafeteria.
CATHERINE for information, I work in a food production company, in this company
they are committed to the environment.
have water treatment plants, areas for solid waste disposal and recycling,
tips, advice and training for their employees.
this contributes to climate change and not only that but day after day we are
taking more of these recommendations and are putting them into practice in our
Evidencia de desempeño: GA3-240202501-AA1-EV03.
I participated in the forum "Sharing life experiences" from my aspects of my work experience, I answered in an argumentative way some questions, in certain cases.
my work experience
Think about an experience at work where you were flexible and adapted to a new situation or a change in the process.Now answer:
was the result of the experience?
did your flexibility and adaptability help you to deal with the situation?
3. Would you change anything in order to deal in a better way with it?
1R/= I
have had several work experiences mostly as a production operator in food
The result was as
expected since these large companies require personnel with greater flexibility
to change, in order to be able to solve problems more easily to more specific
work situations. Labor flexibility translates into efficiency and the
possibility of promotion or rehiring. It also allows us to perform work in a
more organized manner and have more time for other tasks.
On a certain occasion I was asked to lead a team in a production line, I had never done it before, but I can do it without any inconvenience, I was a little panicked at first because it was the first time I did it, however, with time it becomes a habit.
2R/= As I said before, these companies are looking for people who already have work experience, who are flexible and adaptable to any work environment, this way I could face the situation because I like to work in a team, have an open mind to opinions or criticism, I like challenges and get out of my comfort zone, listen to others, make decisions and give opinions that help a common good or a specific purpose.
3R/= Of
course, yes, sometimes people's ego does not allow them to look at the
objectives from all angles or from the partner, you have to learn to receive
criticism, we are not all born learned, if necessary, I would not dislike to
change to deal with things better.
hello Yerly
I think that sometimes the fear of change makes us stay in our comfort zone and
not go out to experiment and have new experiences and with it new experiences,
I think that sometimes those experiences can be good or bad, but what really
matters is that we learn from all bad or good experiences.
Evidencia de desempeño: GA3-240202501-AA2-EV03
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